
how to get rid of gas smell


. . . the more you eat the more you toot . . . the more you toot the better you feel . . . so eat your beans with every meal!" Well, I don't know about beans for every meal, but they may have a point, about the feeling better, that is. However, due to societal restrictions and puritan morality, the completely natural passing of gas is frowned upon. Unless you've got a sense of humor that is. It's unfortunate, really. However, if you're around people who don't appreciate a little fart humor now and then and/or people who have a sensitive sense of smell — so in other words, most of the population — you may want to read on to find out how to get rid of gas.

What Causes Gas?

Gas and bloating, whether it goes out as burps or as farts, may have a number of different causes. One way it happens because there are bacteria in our guts that in helping us digest food, have the byproduct of additional gas. That, of course, builds up until it passes one way or t'other. There are other side effects such as when you're just not ok with certain foods because you're lactose intolerant. Other times, certain foods, antibiotics, or medications will cause those gut bacteria to get all uppity. This is socially unfortunate, or (if you're 12, or a male of any age) pretty funny.

Best Ways to Relieve Gas Now

Exercise a bit.

By exercising, you help the digestion. The more help you give your digestion (by speeding it up a bit because the body needs that blood a-movin'), there's less time for the bacteria to laze about building up the gas. So, some stomach crunches, light running, or even a bit of a walk is a good idea.  Moving around will help get whatever is inside you loosened up and potentially eliminate it.

There are also some yoga poses that are proven to be good gas-reducers, especially anything that allows you to flex, extend, and compress your midsection.  Plus, yoga has many other benefits, such as improving strength and reducing stiffness.


Simethicone relieves gas by breaking down gas bubbles trapped in your stomach so the gas passes swifter, and without the explosive flatulence that is required of many teen movies. You can find it in Alka-Seltzer, Rolaids, or Gas-X (sold at Amazon), as well as Mylanta Gas Relief and Maalox Anti-Gas.  It often comes either in a tablet, pill, or a dissolvable that goes in water.  There aren't any noted side-effects, but if you're concerned, it's always a good idea to chat with the old doctor.

Watch the dairy, and watch the diary

Dairy and lactose intolerance can cause gas (if not something worse) in the ol' digestive tract. You'll want to watch the diet, and try eliminating such foods to see if it helps.  If it does, you know that you are on to something.

More broadly, I'd recommend a food journal, that way if you're having a high-tootin' day, you can check what you've eaten in the last 24 hours. That will help you make better dietary decisions…because, besides dairy…

High fiber diets can cause gas.

Not a real big surprise there, honestly. Anything that helps the old digestive tract bacteria will likely increase gas. You'll want to check again with your dietary journal. If you just had an entire can of metamucil, and you feel a big load of gas a-comin', well. That's an easy fix.

What foods are high in fiber?

  • Beans
  • Dried fruit
  • Broccoli
  • Anything with whole grains
  • Avocado
  • Berries — particularly raspberries

Take a supplement to get rid of gas.

Sometimes eating complex carbohydrates cause gas. Beans, Brocolli, and other similar foods can cause bouts of gas. Supplements that have alpha-galactosidase will help digestion. Taking a supplement like Bean-o or Vitacost with meals will help prevent gas. You can find Bean-o at Amazon .

If you've got persistent gas problems, talk to a doctor.

It could be a sign of something a bit more serious. Kidney stones, ulcers, IBS, any number of problems could cause persistent gas.  It can be an embarrassing conversation to initiate, but rest assured your doctor has had many, many patients ask about what to do about gas.

Talking to a medical professional will help get to the bottom (ha!) of the problem.

Natural Gas Remedies

Activated Charcoal, taken before or after eating, can reduce gassiness and bloating during digestion — but can also result in irregular bowel movements.  Fast fact, the burnt part of burned toast is also charcoal, as are some of the ingredients in a common acai bowl.

Ginger. Eating fresh ginger root and drinking ginger tea aids digestion. To make ginger tea, pour 1 ½ cups of boiling water over 1 ½ teaspoons of grated ginger root. Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes, then strain the mixture into a large mug. Eating half a teaspoon of fresh or dried ginger before meals can also help prevent gas.

Peppermint. It's a well known natural remedy for digestive problems. We'd recommend it in the form of oil or tea.

Dill pickles. Eat one small dill pickle or drink 1 tablespoon of dill pickle juice to reduce flatulence. However, be careful not to overindulge on pickles as excess salt can cause bloating.

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